Our article today is directed to all finance and banking businesses. If you are still doubting whether you should digitalise your banking business, let us remind you of the benefits this brings to your company and your clients. The benefits of digitalising your business are endless. They include the more informed decisions you will make based on data, better user experience, more clients that are also more engaged and active, efficient and quick processes, and cost reductions.
Digital banking is the future of banking.
“The major winners will be financial services companies that embrace technology.”
– Alexander Peh, PayPal and Braintree
The increased pressures of digitalising business services for banks have come from a change in consumer needs for mobile technology and a changing regulatory landscape. Adapting quickly to these changes is crucial for banks and financial institutions to remain competitive. Business digitalisation brings benefits to customers, but also businesses. For instance, going digital allows banks to offer new products and services, which in turn help attract new customers and retain existing ones. An example is the flexibility open banking gives customers to quickly and securely share their financial data with other financial institutions. Digital banking also improves user experience by accelerating processes and offering users more efficient and intuitive ways to bank.
Furthermore, analytics provides data with which you can make more accurate recommendations to your customers, improving customer engagement through personalised offerings. This data provides the foundation to build innovation, which is necessary to remain competitive.
Digitalising your business also increases efficiency and opens up new revenue streams while reducing costs. In particular, the automation of processes has resulted in significant cost savings, time optimisation and greater productivity. For instance, AI and analytics help with core financial activities such as risk assessment and fraud detection, and analytics can accelerate and improve the making of informed decisions. Moreover, IT is now taking over many tasks requiring labour-intensive work and can use Human Resources more efficiently.
If you’re ready to go digital, at Be1B we offer open banking, instant transfers, payment gateways and, in general, embedded finance solutions for any company that needs digitalisation. Learn more about our approach to digitalisation, book a demo now with our team of experts, and start making decisions that will transform your business and differentiate you from your competitors.